Daily Bread
Moses said to them, “It is the bread the Lord has given
you to eat.” Exodus 16:15b (NIV)
(Jesus prayed) Give us this day our daily bread.
Matt. 6:11 (NKJV)
Throughout the Bible, God uses our physical needs to point us to our need of Him.
God had freed the Israelites from the Egyptians in a great
show of His might and power. First there were all the plagues. Then, He parted
the Red Sea. And if that wasn’t enough, He placed a cloud in front of them to
lead them by day and a pillar of fire by night. God left no doubt that He was
in the midst of His people.
And Yet …
I must admit I often fall into the yet category. Yet I doubt,
fear, and yes, grumble against the Lord. Unsure of how He’s ever going to
provide in the middle of my present circumstances.
From the time of Israel’s redemption from Egypt to the time
of Jesus’s redemption of our souls, people had not changed. They still doubted God’s
ability to provide what was needed.
Thank goodness, our wonderful savior, God incarnate
understood our propensity to let our emotions drive our belief and taught us to
pray “Give us this day our daily bread.”
Some days are so much harder than others. Perhaps, you have
left what was comfortable and familiar and have followed God into something new
and different. Or the day that faces you seems buried in overwhelming heart
ache and decisions. But on those days, you can pray “Give me this day, O Lord,
my daily bread. Provide what is needed.” Then wrap your arms around His promise
to be in the middle of all of it with you.
Dear Father,
Thank you that Jesus understood our needs and taught us
to pray for our daily bread. I embrace the promise that You never leave me nor
forsake me. Wrap Your arms around me and thank You that Jesus is the Bread of
Life. I look to You to provide each day what is needed.
In Jesus’ name, amen.